PiNote is a free source code editor that supports several languages. Running on Windows, Linux and Raspberry Pi. Written in free pascal and Lazarus IDE, use the SynEdit component with extended syntax highlighter modules.
PiNote's many features include macro recording, code highlighting, encryption and/or decryption of text and files and more. (See feature list below.)
PiNote basic interface
PiNote very basic interface
PiNote full interface
Ada, Adobe Actionscript, Awk, AutoIt, 68HC11 CPU, 8051 MCU, ARM V7 CPU, ATMega MCU, PIC16 MCU, PIC18F MCU, PIC32MX MCU, Motorola 6800 CPU, Motorola 68000 CPU, Motorola 6809 CPU, 65xx/85xx NMOS CPU, ST6 MCU, ST7 MCU, TMS9900 CPU, X86 CPU, Z80 CPU, C#, C/C++, CSS, CMake, COBOL, D language, Dart, Erlang, F#, Freebasic, Go language, Groovy, Haxe, Haskell, HTML, INI file, Inno setup script, Java, Javascript, Kotlin, Lua, MATLAB, MSDos batch script, Objectpascal, Perl, PHP, Po, Powershell, Prolog, ProtoBuf, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Swift, SQL, Tcl/Tk, TeX, Unix shell script, V, Verilog, VHDL, Visual Basic, XML.
Syntax scheme options
Enhanced editing with bookmark support
Transparent editing
Full clipboard control
Encryption of source file
Print preview with syntax highlighter
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